Asking for help and blowing my own trumpet.
Not my forte.
I can do it. I probably do it reasonably well. But I don’t like doing it.
In fact, for a long time, I’ve not engaged in either, at all, in any way. I know how important it is and how it can be done in a way that sits right. But it still feels like a struggle.
See, I was raised with strong values around independence and humility. And so I’ve been avoiding asking people for… well anything. Even when offered I likely wouldn’t take your help. I can (and should) do it on my own, I would think to myself!
And while I’m passionate about lots of things and don’t hesitate to talk about them (as you will have gathered by now), promoting something I’ve built or made is not my strong suit.
Not a great foundation for a campaign!
To be honest, the mere word “campaign” sends a strange feeling down my spine.
But at the same time I know what we’ve built over the past few years (The Coaching Lab) is really valued and that more people deserve to know about it…
So here I am, jumping over my shadow and
1) asking for your help and
2) blowing some considerable trumpet as part of a week-long…. Ehm…
“Week of letting people know that the Coaching Lab is an exciting
valuable space to be in”
No need to go on about number 2. As a Nugget reader I reckon you will have heard plenty by now.
So, if you’ve felt so inclined…
Here’s how you can help:
A) Tell someone about the Coaching Lab
Ideally next week, which is our public launch week: 24th-28th April 2023.
Whether that’s on social media, in a WhatsApp group or some other forum, personally in a conversation or email, your newsletter, or shouting it from your balcony…
Any word of mouth will help! New coaches, experienced coaches, people who are curious about coaching and would appreciate a chance to check out the range of approaches, I think the Lab has many arms and can serve a lot of people.
If you don’t know what to say or you’ve got little time on your hands, I’ve prepared a document with little snippets of what the Lab is about and why people find it valuable, as well as a few images, discounts for your friends, prize draws and giveaways.
B) Share, like, or comment on any of the content we’re putting out next week
We’ll be posting several times a day on LinkedIn, Facebook, and/or YouTube over the next week. And engaging with content tells the algorithm that it’s worth sharing to more people, and then it’ll get more visibility, so that more people get the opportunity to benefit from what we’re doing in the Lab.
C) Make an introduction
I’m more than open to introductions to educators, schools, training providers, companies, or any other groups or institutions that might be keen to run Coaching Labs privately for their own communities. The concept works and I’ve facilitated successful Labs for the Association for Coaching and at an in-person coaching conference in Malta.
If you’re still reading this, it means you’re considering to help, so thanks again, in the name of everybody who will benefit from this.
With Love
New Content: Season 14 of Animas’s Coaching Uncaged podcast is out!

We’ve got a LOT of exciting conversations on the shelf for season 14, among them Prof. Jonathan Passmore, Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener, Prof. Tatiana Bachkirova and Dr. D Ivan Young. But first off, a most enjoyable conversation about the value of research in coaching and much more with ICF’s Vice President of Research and Data Science, the excellent and charismatic Joel DiGirolamo. Enjoy!
You can listen to or watch this episode.
And special thanks to the good people at Animas Centre for Coaching for producing another excellent season of conversations with thought leaders. The content Animas is putting out there for coaches is really valuable. If you haven’t yet, do check them out!