Power and Partnership in Coaching: An Interview with Claire Pedrick

“I think it’s a fantasy that we add value by trying to add value, because trying to add too much value impacts partnership.”

“I’m discovering more and more that there’s no end to the work that we can do and the work we can let go of to be fully working in partnership.”

Join coach, author and coaching supervisor, Claire Pedrick, in conversation with Coaching Uncaged host, Yannick Jacob.

As the author of Simplifying Coaching, Claire is passionate about helping coaches achieve more by doing less and empowering the “thinker” at every step of the way.

Yannick and Claire dive deep into a wide range of areas including:

How to listen to your recordings for greater insight into what’s happening in the relationship. And it’s not what you might expect!

Claire’s light touch approach to contracting that ensures she never becomes the teacher or leader.

How Claire aims to do the least possible that enables people to feel heard and to get new insights into what’s happening for them.

The most effective tool in the coaching conversation.

How coaching is not a dialogue but facilitating a monologue .

The power of single session coaching and what this frees up to happen.

Disconnecting coaching from goal achievement to progress in thinking.

The ethical and practical problems of fixed sessions contracting.

How the relationship can emerge without excess personal information exchange.

Bringing a future focus to the coaching conversation.

Contracting as a fluid, always shifting process.

Practical steps to simplifying coaching.

Partnership, power and privilege.

De-powering yourself in coaching.

Perceptions and communications of power.

About Claire Pedrick…in her own words.

I could say that I am a human who facilitates other people’s thinking. I am a business owner. A Mother. A friend. A volunteer. An MCC Master Coach with over 13000 hours experience. The author of Simplifying Coaching and host at The Coaching Inn podcast.

All of these are true and each will impact how we start a conversation. With some definitions you might assign me power which I do not deserve.

I established 3D Coaching in the 1990s to bring together the simplest and best learning from coaching to support people in organisations to have more effective conversations with an edge. Coaching for more than 30 years, I believe that the essence of coaching is simple and that it takes time to learn to work that simply.

My training has been as a coach (Coach University), as a Systemic Practitioner (Coaching Constellations) and a Coaching Supervisor (Bath Consulting Group). While the rest of the 3D Team are delivering high quality coaching, my current focus is developing internal and external coaches through training, masterclasses and mentoring.

My learning lab is the coaches I listen to three days a week. Based on those observations and noticing when transformation does or does not happen, my current learning journey is about understanding and sharing what makes for true partnership in coaching.

When I’m not working I love walking in the hills.

About Animas Centre for Coaching, producers of Coaching Uncaged.

If you want to find out more about becoming an accredited coach, check out Animas Centre for Coaching at https://www.animascoaching.com

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