To watch something grow and contribute
What’s a meaningful existence? There are many answers to this question. One came to me as I looked out of my window just now and observed my neighbour attend to
What’s a meaningful existence? There are many answers to this question. One came to me as I looked out of my window just now and observed my neighbour attend to
I recently got caught in a YouTube Shorts wave. If you’re not familiar, this basically YouTube doing TikTok or Instgram reels-type content: <1min videos, somewhat targeted to your interests and
We’ve all been there: What should I do? Whether all the options seem equally good, equally shitty, or you just don’t know how things are going to turn out. Whether
I hate dentists! Reason being that I’ve had a rather traumatizing experience when I was around 10 years old (Fuck you Dr Rose! You told me you’d “just take a
We carry a lot. Whether you’re a coach, therapist, a colleague at work, a parent, or simply a good friend – as soon as you’re listening empathically and offering your
Repeat anything 3 times in my coaching or supervision sessions, and you can be sure that I’ll appear to acknowledge it and get curious! Something I hear a lot of
I want coaching to be accessible for as many people as possible. Ideally I’d like to see all people have access to a good coach, regardless of where they are
Who hasn’t ever wondered: “What should I do?” Or perhaps more specifically: “What’s the right thing for me to do in this particular situation?” My students, trainees and supervisees ask
I remember sitting on a bar stool at a US airport connecting to some random dude who I had just walked into the place with. As we sat down he
“It’s a leap year”, my colleague pointed out to me this week. To most, what that means is that February’s got an extra day to balance the scores of the
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