Coaching Nuggets

I believe in putting your thoughts, questions and experiences out there. You never know what these ripples may turn into or who you might connect with as a result.


End of Year Nugget

My priorities these days are still firmly focused on family. Also, the value I attach to time has risen exponentially since a toddler is making demands on my attention, so I’ll

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Christmas Priorities

My dad always used to say: “Zeit hat man nicht, Zeit muss man sich nehmen”, which translates roughly as “Nobody has time, you have to make time”. Marrying into a

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Lean into your “weakness”?

Sometimes it’s pretty frustrating to observe my mind at work.  Today was one of those times. Still quite productive I’d say, but in some considerable tension with what the experts

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Does coaching work? 

It is something that experienced coaches know – intuitively and from experience: Coaching works.  But how do we know? Perhaps the progress or change that occurred would have occurred either

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Keep it real?!

In 1997 I listened to my first ever German rap song. I remember it clearly. We were on a class trip to inner city Frankfurt and my mate had me

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The pursuit of meaning

What’s your “Why”?Who does your work, and your life, serve? What’s your mission?Why are you here?What is your calling? The list could go on for some time, and if I

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